A little about me and my wife. We are a Kelowna based family photography business. We have been in business with over 9 years of experience with photography roots from my home country India. We moved to Canada four years ago and have been enjoying this new experience a lot. Photography is my passion and my utmost true love .
. I found this love more than 9 years ago in my work as a photographer, and my wife has joined me in pursuing my love for it and taking our passion together to new heights. Photography means more to me than "just" creating a beautiful work. Rather, it enables me to see the moments with a depth that is hidden from many. Those moments that pass quickly. These moments that will never be like this again. These are the most precious moments in our life. These are the moments that make life worth living. I made it my business to hold the most precious memories of your life forever. The time for that one moment to bring you to a complete stand still...
Contact me
Tel: 204-679-6067